Parent Involvement


The safety and security of all students is a fundamental responsibility of Mancelona Middle School. For this reason, we ask that all visitors please report to the office when entering our middle school. We are happy to serve you and your children.

Why is it important for Parents to be involved at the Middle School level?

The results of recent research are very clear: When parents are actively involved in their children’s education, they do better in school. The opposite is also true and so it is essential for parents to have a positive attitude regarding education, and to demonstrate trust their child can do well. Read more how you can get involved.

What Parents Should Know About MiBLSi

MiBLSi stands for Michigan’s Behavior and Learning Support Initiative.  It is a grant program through the State of Michigan that helps schools implement a Positive Behavior Support Plan and reading interventions.   LEARN MORE

If your child needs to taken any type of medication during the school day, including over the counter medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen, a medication form needs to be completed and turned into the middle school office.  Also, students needing to use an inhaler during the day may keep one with them or in their locker.  However, please provide the office with an asthma management plan from the doctor.

Please make sure that the Middle School has current phone numbers (cell phone numbers) and addresses.  In the event of an emergency, it is vital for the safety of your child that the school be able to quickly make contact with the family. Please call the school for a Emergency Release Form.

During the "Middle School" years, students and parents can become overwhelmed.  The set up of the school day and added responsibilities are very different from that of Elementary.  Students are required to keep and maintain a planner along with remembering to turn in homework to their six different classes. At Mancelona Middle School, we understand the worries that come along with the responsibility.  As a staff, we have set up a network to enable success for our students.  The goal at the Middle School is to strive to develop each student's sense of responsibility, positive self-image, and respect for others.  To help all of us reach this goal, here is a list of strategies to obtain success at the Middle School.

1)   Daily Planner Check - Checking your child's planner is a great way to see what the day's work is, along with having a set time to do reading.
2)   Checking the Web - Many teams at the Middle School post their homework weekly, so please feel free to download this at any time.
3)   Staff Email - Staff at the Middle School have one Planning Hour, however email is a great way to catch up with them.  If you don't have email, please feel free to call and leave a message.
4)   Open Communication - Please feel free to contact any staff member.  We are here to facilitate a positive learning environment to enhance student success.
Parents are important to adolescents even when they don't admit or show it. Parents can make a difference in a child's education. A child's education does not solely take place in the classroom. Plus, teachers are not the only people who foster learning and development. Parents are an important part of the educational process. Forming a partnership with teachers and the school means working together to provide the best possible education for the child.
Parents can help their child study, learn, and grow. Here are some suggestions: 
•    Look at assignment book in the evenings to check due dates
•    Set aside a quiet time to study
•    Make a study center without distractions
•    Set clear and realistic guidelines about the time and manner the studying will take place
•    Be a guide if the child needs help
•    Review homework together
•    Question them over material before a test
•    Talk about school and other things going on
•    Show that you value education
•    Encourage
•    Help them become independent
•    Be a positive role model
•    Spend time together ( go on walks, go fishing, watch a favorite show together...anything you enjoy doing together) 

We recently completed a “universal screening” of all our middle school students in the area of reading.  This very quick assessment is able to provide accurate data relative to your child’s current reading level.  This data along with the MEAP, Classroom Test and other assessments, will enable us to identify those students who may be in need of additional reading support. 

It is our strong belief that as we improve our student’s literacy skills they will begin to make great strides within all other academic areas.  For your child, this may mean that they will have to sacrifice some of their other academic time in order to find time within the day to receive this valuable extra support.  If your child is in need of this intervention, the family will be notified and with their counsel will make the final decision.

Families, please take time to look over the brochures, created by our staff, informing you of some of what is happening in each grade level content area.