Ironmen Support Network

Ironmen Support Network

The Ironmen Support Network (ISN) is a program administered by Mancelona Public Schools that provides free supportive, education-related services and non-academic support to help overcome obstacles that may create barriers to learning for all students ages 3-20.

What Services Are Available?

  • Clothing and shoes for school purposes
  • School supplies and/or backpacks
  • Personal hygiene products
  • General funds for extracurricular activities or interests
  • Referrals to community agencies for housing/transitional living, food, medical, dental, optical care, and mental health

Iron Vault and Iron Vault Jr.

The Iron Vault provides new and gently used clothing, shoes, boots, winter gear, school supplies, hygiene items, and more. All items are free and shopping is open to students grades 9-12 (Iron Vault) and 5-8 (Iron Vault Jr.) during the school day. Students may visit the Iron Vault during recess and lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment. For more information, email Pami Sprague (Iron Vault Jr.) or Michelle Dingman (Iron Vault).

Who is Eligible for Services?

Any student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate overnight residence (at any time during the school year) may be eligible to receive services. Students may be found living in the following situations:

  • In a shelter, motel, vehicle, camper or campground
  • Temporarily sharing the housing of friends or family ("doubled-up") due to economic hardship
  • Unaccompanied youth living on their own, without a parent or guardian
  • Inadequate accommodations (lack of electricity, heath, plumbing, or overcrowding)
  • Abandoned buildings or on the street
  • Students who are couch surfing, staying with friends
  • Displaced due to natural disaster or fire

Services Available

  • Assistance in maintaining school stability
  • Assistance with enrollment in school and transfer of student records
  • Assistance with full participation in school (extracurricular activities and sports)
  • Assistance with school transportation
  • College admissions support (registration, FAFSA, scholarships, etc.)
  • Clothing for school purposes
  • Free school breakfast and lunch
  • Liaison between family and school personnel
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Referrals to community agencies
  • School supplies and backpacks

If you live in any of the following situations, you may be eligible for rights and services provided by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act:

  • In a shelter or on the street
  • In a motel or campground
  • In a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station
  • Couch surfing/doubled up with others due to loss of housing, foreclosure, eviction, or economic hardship
  • Inadequate living accommodations (i.e. overcrowding, lack of plumbing, heating, or electricity)
  • Youth living on their own, without a parent or legal guardian

You also have the right to:

  • Enroll in and attend school, no matter where you live or how long you have lived there
  • Continue attending the same school after experiencing loss of housing or transfer to a new school
  • Receive transportation assistance, if possible
  • Receive school meal programs
  • Receive Title I services

Staff Contact Information by Building

Mancelona Public School District and Mancelona Middle School
Pami Sprague
McKinney-Vento District Liaison
Foster Care Liaison
231.587.9869 ext 224

Mancelona High School
Michelle Dingman
Guidance Counselor/Liaison
231.587.8551 ext 409

Mancelona Elementary School
Melanie Griffore
231.587.8661 ext 314